Life’s short, load it!

So, you think less is more?

Coco Chanel once said, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” Look, we’re no fashion experts but we do know that when it comes to fries, less is definitely not more – we’re talking loaded.

It’s no secret that we love fries and yes, we love an OG fry, plain and simple, seasoned slightly and crisped to perfection, but why stop there?

We’re dishing up brand spankin’ new, mouth-watering loaded fries constantly. From our Jamaican Fries topped with spicy Tabasco Habanero mayo, jalapenos, onion and jerked Chick’n to our bellisimo Italian Fries smothered in vegan cheese and hot Napoli sauce, there’s no such thing as too extravagant at LOTF. Oh, and don’t get us started on the French Canadian with vegan shredded cheese and hot gravy – DROOL!

Feeling stuck in your fry-ways? Start small and break out of your comFRYzone by heading to your local LOTF to up-the-anti with some loaded fries. Simply pick your choice of classic, chunky, shoestring or sweet potato fries and load that bad boy up with a deluxe sauce! Plus, keep an eye out for what fresh fries are hitting our menus this month.

Psst, hey. While you’re here we thought we’d tell you a saucy secret on how to get the best LOTF deals around. VIP just got VIEasy. Simply head in store and sign up to our free Wi-Fi to be added to the VIP club and you’ll receive exclusive discounts and personalised offers. Don’t let it go to your head though. Sit down, eat fries, stay humble!

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